Business Plans for E Traders and E Investors to the US

Business plans are very effective for first-time applicants of an E-1 Treaty Trader Visa or an E-2 Treaty Investor Visa.

The first reason to provide a business plan is that one of the criteria is to explain to the US Embassy that your new business is going to be successful and create income and/or jobs or impact in the US.

The second reason is that it provides a clear road map on how that future success will work instead of just a verbal commitment. The plan serves as a “road map,” making the case more convincing to the US Officer reviewing the case.

I have teamed up with former IT Product Manager, Jeffrey Brown,  Visa 360 Consulting to work with my E-2 clients to get a detailed business plan generated that caters to your specific immigration case. Jeffrey Brown’s profile can be viewed in LinkedIn as well.

If you would like to contact him directly, please email or call and let him know that I recommended you so you can get a discount!

[email protected]
