Posts Categorized: E-2 Investors and Entrepreneurs

Business Plans for E Traders and E Investors to the US

Business plans are very effective for first-time applicants of an E-1 Treaty Trader Visa or an E-2 Treaty Investor Visa. The first reason to provide a business plan is that one of the criteria is to explain to the US Embassy that your new business is going to be successful and create income and/or jobs… Read more »

I Obtained my E-2 Visa Now What?

For those foreign nationals, who have received an E-2 visa overseas and entered the US, figuring out the logistics of living here can be a little daunting.  Without a social security number and credit history in the US, it can be difficult renting an apartment or house, or even getting business insurance. Without proof of… Read more »

Colorado Impact Investing Helps Entrepreneurs Build Local Businesses, Healthy Communities

Starting a business is the dream of many Americans and many Coloradoans. Colorado’s natural beauty and healthy lifestyle attracts many people from out-of-state and out-of-country. Nearly 2/3 of the state’s residents were born outside Colorado, while nearly 1 in 10 Coloradans is foreign-born. Many of those who have come to call Colorado home want to… Read more »

Immigrants and Entrepreneurship in the US

U.S. immigrants have an impressive record of starting businesses in this country that benefit the economy as a whole—a trend that flies in the face of immigration opponents who argue that newcomers to this country stifle job opportunities for those already living here. Denver recently celebrated all things startup business-related at the fourth annual Denver… Read more »

Congressional Bill Provides Permanent Residence Path for E-2 Visa Holders

A bill introduced in the House of Representatives would allow certain foreign nationals on E-2 visas to apply for permanent residence in the United States. Under current U.S. immigration law, E-2 Treaty Investor visas are issued for two-year periods and may be extended for an additional two-year increment indefinitely. E-2 holders whose visa status expires… Read more »

I am a foreign national, how do I invest in and work for a US business?

As a foreign national, working in the United States may be an end goal, or a means to an end. No matter what your reasons are for wanting to invest in a US business and/or work for that business, there are requirements that have to be followed to ensure your time in the US is… Read more »

Top 25 Technology Start-Ups in the Denver/Boulder Area

Top 25 Technology Start-Ups in the Denver/Boulder Area

 If you’re looking for a place to start up a technology company, the Denver/Boulder area is a prime location to consider. Many tech companies have gotten their start there recently. Some of these startup companies are completely focused on technology, while others have found ways to make the power of the Internet work for them based on what they want… Read more »

Visa Options for Investors: EB-5 and E-2 Visas

As the U.S. continues to deal with a struggling economy, entrepreneurs living abroad see opportunity for investment in our country. To enter the US as an entrepreneur, individuals currently have two options:  the EB-5 permanent visa which results in permanent residence or the short-term E-2 visa, which provides legal stay to perform in the business in… Read more »